Core principles
You have all the resources to achieve your desired change.
As a systemicist, I take the position that every person intuitively has the knowledge of what their own soul needs. Consulting, coaching and therapy help to open up this knowledge in consciousness.

Resistance is a respectable need information.
It can arise towards certain methods or topics in the session. I understand resistance as competent decisions of the person to be counseled. Consciously or unconsciously, everyone has the knowledge of what is good for him/her at the moment. My task is to sensitively and mindfully perceive and accept the resistance, to respect it as a need to protect something and to continue where you allow it.

"The condition for newness is an unshakable conviction that there is no prescribed, unchangeable plan for your inner being, but that all paths can be uncovered, mended, beautified, and built entirely anew." V. Satir

All behavior is based on a positive intention.
Symptoms, conflicts and problems are not understood as deficits or misbehavior. They are competent attempts to solve a challenging situation.

The receiver chooses the value of the message.
I provide you with impulses. How you receive and understand them, whether my questions stimulate you or my hypotheses generate a useful resonance with you, only you decide.

Perception is subjective.
Every experience we make, we make individually. Every sentence we hear, we hear and understand in our own way. Everything we experience, we perceive through our unique glasses. As a systemicist, I do not find these differences in perception and experience disturbing. On the opposite. They are allowed and desired, and are invited into the conversation. I see differences as something valuable. It is valuable to deal with them.

Challenges and disturbances always develop in the interaction in the social environment.
Therefore, I do not work with the individual person in isolation, but invite relatives, friends or other reference persons relevant to the topic into the counseling. This does not always have to happen in real terms via presence. As a systemicist, I have a repertoire of creative methods with which the environment can become part of the session even without the direct presence.

As your counselor and therapist, I have respect and appreciation for the different ways of living and loving.

Reality consists of nothing but stories.
Everyone tells their own life story to some degree, following a tradition of storytelling. A narrative.
Therefore it is also possible to tell one's own stories in a new or different way and thereby make change possible.
In counseling and therapy, I am interested in the individual story, your attitude toward what is being told, and how you tell it.
When you tell, do you follow the pattern of a storytelling tradition or a long-term internalized belief system?
How do you look at the solution?
Who determines your life, you or your story?